Thursday 25 August 2011

Mobile Application Security : Windows Mobile Security - Development and Security Testing (part 1)

Mobile Application Security : Windows Mobile Security - Development and Security Testing (part 1)

Several tools for developing Windows Mobile applications are available from Microsoft. Developers can choose between writing code in native C/C++ or in managed code targeting the .NET Compact Framework. Not all .NET languages are supported—only C# and VB.NET. It is not possible to use managed C++ or other .NET languages.

Coding Environments and SDKs

There are two primary development environments for writing Windows Mobile code: Visual Studio and Platform Builder. Visual Studio is for application developers, and Platform Builder is for developers building new embedded platforms or writing device drivers. Most developers will use Visual Studio, whereas OEMs and device manufacturers are more likely to use Platform Builder.
Visual Studio and the Microsoft SDKs
The most popular Windows Mobile development environment is Microsoft’s Visual Studio. Visual Studio includes “Smart Device” templates for creating Windows Mobile applications. Additionally, Visual Studio integrates application deployment and debugging technology to assist during the development cycle. Creating Windows Mobile applications without Visual Studio is possible, but the process is much more manual. Unfortunately, the Express editions of Visual Studio do not support embedded devices, so a paid Visual Studio license is required.
In addition to Visual Studio, the Windows Mobile SDK is required. The SDK contains all of the header files, libraries, and tools necessary to build and deploy applications. When a new version of Windows Mobile is released, Microsoft publishes a new SDK version. Newer SDK versions contain the definitions and libraries required to leverage new functionality. At the time of this writing, the most current version of the Windows Mobile SDK is the Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Standard SDK Refresh. The SDK installation process registers newly installed SDKs with Visual Studio, and the SDK will become selectable during the application-creation process.
Platform Builder
The secondary development environment for Windows Mobile is Microsoft’s Platform Builder. The name says a lot about what it does—Platform Builder enables developers to pick and choose the components they want for a particular embedded platform. If you’re doing Windows CE development and creating a new device, then Platform Builder is an absolute necessity. In the case of Windows Mobile, Microsoft itself assembles the platform and chooses the components to include. Windows Mobile device developers will also use Platform Builder to create their OALs. If you’re developing or testing user applications on Windows Mobile, avoid Platform Builder and use Visual Studio instead. The Platform Builder application must be purchased from Microsoft. Trial versions are available for download from


Microsoft provides a device emulator and images that can be used to mimic almost any Windows Mobile device currently available on the market. These images only contain features present in the base operating system, and do not include any applications specific to device manufacturers or wireless operators. In addition to base image emulation and debugging, the emulator supports emulation of network cards, cell networks, GPS towers, and SD cards. Because the emulator allows so much control over a device’s functionality, it is a perfect test bed for evaluating Windows Mobile security features and the robustness of individual components.
Microsoft Device Emulator
The Microsoft Device Emulator, version 1.0, is included with Visual Studio 2005–2008 and can be downloaded for free from Microsoft’s website (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Microsoft Device Emulator running Windows Mobile 6 Classic

The most current version available at the time of this writing is 3.0. If you’re developing on Windows Vista or above, version 2.0 or above is required to support cradling of the device.
The emulator includes several Windows Mobile images, and Microsoft provides new images whenever versions of Windows Mobile are released. Images are distributed for free from Microsoft’s website. All Windows Mobile SKUs are supported, so it is easy to test the differences in behavior among the various SKUs. The emulator can be run independently from Visual Studio or started from Visual Studio directly. If the emulator is linked to Visual Studio, then application deployment and debugging becomes a “one-click” affair.
To automate programs running on the emulator, use the Device Automation Toolkit (DATK). This toolkit includes tools for dumping the graphical elements of an application and then automating them using a .NET Framework API. The API is a little unwieldy, and tests can be difficult to debug. Although not perfect, the DATK can be very helpful when you’re trying to repeat application tests.
Device Emulator Manager
Use the Device Emulator Manager (dvcemumanager.exe) for choosing between images and controlling image power on/power off state (see Figure 2). This tool is installed with the emulator and can control all the currently installed images. Images can be started, stopped, and cradled from within this tool. There is also a command-line tool (DeviceEmulator.exe) for controlling individual images; this executable is installed in the emulator’s program files directory.
Figure 2. Microsoft Device Emulator Manager

In addition to the GUI and command-line interfaces, Device Emulator 3.0 introduces the IDeviceEmulatorManager COM interface. This interface can be used to discover currently installed images and control them. If you’re performing fuzzing or other repetition-based testing, the COM interface is helpful for controlling images.
Cellular Emulator
The Windows Mobile SDK includes a cellular emulator capable of emulating the voice, data, and SMS portions of the cellular network (see Figure 3). The cellular emulator communicates with the emulated device using the device’s serial ports. It is also possible to send fake SMS messages to the device to see how the device behaves.
Figure 3. Microsoft Cellular Emulator

The cellular emulator is helpful to evaluate the cellular features of Windows Mobile when a real device or cellular network is not available. The cellular emulator is included in the Tools portion of the Windows Mobile 6 SDK.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great resource for mobile security testing. You have done a great job!
